There are ups and downs in everyone’s life. There are sometimes stressful situations that are seemingly unbearable and impossible to cope with whether at work, school or in personal life. No matter how hard life turns on us at times, all problems are temporary and can usually be solved by a meaningful conversation with the loved ones. In our everyday reality, people frequently choose to commit suicide while suffering the emotional breakdown, instead of asking for a help. Statistics show that the suicide rate rises frighteningly in young people from 15 to 24 years old whose emotional health is highly sensitive to environmental determinants.
By being supportive and attentive to others, we may prevent people around and their families from suffering the tragedy of losing a child or a beloved soul mate. Please visit this page to find out how your involvement may make difference.
Having successfully conducted numerous studies in mental disorders, depression and anxiety we invite you to bring your innovative product to the regions of GCT operations. We run feasibility assessment of any clinical trial free of charge in Central-Eastern Europe, Russia and India. Please contact us at