Be Flexible
The past year and a half have shown it especially clearly: conditions can change quickly and dramatically.
The inability to travel made it hard for both patients and clinical monitors to be present at clinical sites, and many of the sites were overloaded with Covid-19 patients. To stay productive and facilitate a smooth continuation of our clinical programs, GCT adopted new methods and technologies including remote monitoring and patient home visits.
Choose The Right Local Partner
Be it transportation of the Investigated Medical Product (IMP) or translation of the study documents into the local language, choosing the right local partner is crucial. Outside of GCT’s own operations, we have an established network of local partners who offer excellent quality services in a timely manner.
Small vendors are well-familiar with the local law and customs and have the potential to bring an unparalleled level of expertise to a global project. It is essential to have an established and long-term business relationship with such firms in order to have the right balance between the size, capabilities and cost.