- Daria, being the General Director of GCT Polish office, what can you say about Poland’s involvement in clinical trials, and you experience in the country?
Our office in Warsaw operates since 2017, and I have been working in clinical trials for more than 15 years. Polish sites started participating in multinational research studies one of the first in Europe, on a par with Germany and other western European countries. Polish investigators are involved in every aspect of the trial that they take on. It has been great to see this industry maturing and institutions developing relations with the rest of the industry leaders.
- Can you talk more about your role and background?
I’m a doctor and my specialty is neurosurgery. I have been working as a medical monitor and have established a safety and PVG department, which actively works with EMA’s Eudravigilance, and provides global safety support for the outside of EU GCT countries.
Apart from this activity, I’m managing a team of CRAs that is growing from year to year.
- Was the job what you expected it would be? Did anything surprise you?
When I had joined GCT I knew very well what could be expected in clinical trials work routine, but I didn’t expect that our Polish branch could develop so quickly.
- What’s changed at the company since you’ve joined?
We are now present in an increasing number of countries. It means that we are a global CRO. As I mentioned, in Poland in particular, we have developed pharmacovigilance services that are extremely important, and we provide support to all neighboring countries centrally now.
- What is important for you in the corporate culture of GCT?
Professionalism, flexibility, and a friendly atmosphere. Being a part of the GCT team gives me the feeling that nothing is impossible.
- Can you describe an event that was particularly memorable during your career at GCT?
Our first international investigators’ meeting that was organized in Warsaw. It was the first meeting in my career with GCT, and I wanted everything to be perfect. The team did a wonderful job and Investigators were very engaged.
- What was the moment when you knew you had made the right decision to work here?
Probably after my first meeting with Eugene, GCT CEO. It is very important to know the people you are working with. I was able to confirm this in practice after our first study that included Poland was initiated. I know that this part of Europe has a big experience and potential in clinical trials, and our latest projects prove it.
- What do you think the mission of GCT is?
Further development. Sometimes driven by the challenges that help us to grow, invent new technologies and solutions.
- Where do you see GCT in 10 years?
We will continue to expand by adding new countries, while still being innovative and flexible. Knowledge of local requirements will remain our big advantage.