On 18-19th of December, Dr. Umakanta Sahoo, Managing Director GCT-India, attended the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) Satellite Symposium. Together with other professionals in the field, he explored emerging research of dementia in South Asia. The meeting was focused on the role of genetics in developing Alzheimer’s, emerging therapeutics and developments in Alzheimer’s clinical research, and recent advances in biomarkers.
Indian CNS sites still lack infrastructure for amyloid imaging, while PET and CSF are very expensive. There are still not so many clinical trials in AD being undertaken in India, although there are experienced PIs who are eager to be involved in international clinical trials. Indian pharma industry continues to acquire modern infrastructure and imaging tools and also evaluates other methods, such as biomarkers, to boost AD treatment in India.The importance of all stakeholders to understand the newest tools and techniques for effective and meaningful research in reducing the dementia load in South Asia was emphasized during the conference.
Dr. Sahoo shared that it was a great opportunity to meet up with industry Sponsors, researchers and investigators.